Panthers Street Dance




Mewngofnodwch i ymuno â'r sefydliad hwn ..





We are a family of dancers of varying abilities who come together to learn and teach different styles of street dance. This includes Locking, Hip Hop, House, Freestyle, Popping and much more.


Have you ever wanted to dance? To be able to get on to the dance floor and impress everyone around you with your rhythm and skills? If so, Panthers Street Dance is the club for you! Whether you want to harness your skills for a future career or just to have fun and wind down in between the stress of uni life, anyone is welcome here!

We offer plenty of different styles, including hip-hop, lyrical hip-hop, locking, house, waacking and voguing. Our goal is to offer a little bit of everything within street dance.

We also represent the University in shows and competitions every year, with our primary competitive focus being GO Hard or Go Home, where the club placed 3rd in 2019, and 2nd in 2018! We also placed 3rd in category in UDO in 2019. In 2024, we took home the Varsity certificate for the street dance category!

We also try our hand at a "Wildcard" style each year, capitalising on the varied dance background of our members. In the past we have tried a mixed routine of Jazz, Lyrical and Contemporary; Burlesque; and, most recently, K-pop. We took the latter to Go Hard or Go Home in 2022, and placed 3rd in category. 

If competitions and performing aren’t for you, you are still more than welcome to come along to classes for a boogie or join us on socials, where we offer a relaxed environment for everyone to enjoy themselves, with an even mix of going out socials as well as game nights!

Inclusivity Statement:

Panthers Street Dance is dedicated to the inclusion and acceptance of all members regardless of their age, race, ability, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation, and socioeconomic status. Dance is for all.



Starting w/c October 4th

Sundays 1 - 2:30 [Sports Centre, Dance Room] 

Monday 8 - 10 [Arts Centre Dane Room 3&4]



                                 Meet the Committee:

President: Daniel Payne                                        Treasurer: Olive Owens                                    

3rd Year Law                                                          3rd Year


Secretary: Yasmin Jamie                                          Choreographers: Oktawia Hora and Ryan Goddard

3rd Year Criminology and Criminal Psychology        Oktawia: MSc Psychology       Ryan: Graduated 



Social Media Links:

Facebook Group



Ydych chi eisiau dawnsio? Er mwyn gallu mynd ymlaen i'r llawr dawnsio a gwneud argraff ar bawb o'ch cwmpas gyda'ch rhythm a'ch sgiliau? Os felly, Dawnsio Stryd Panthers yw clwb i chi! P'un a ydych chi'n ddawnsiwr profiadol gyda symudiadau allan o fyd arall, erioed wedi dawnsio o'r blaen ond bob amser wedi cael breuddwyd gyfrinachol o ddod yn seren ddawns, neu ddim ond eisiau ffordd hwyliog o gael ymarfer corff a bod yn gymdeithasol y tu allan i fywyd dirdynnol prifysgol, ni yw'r clwb i chi!


Rydym yn cynnig digon o wahanol arddulliau, gan gynnwys hip-hop, hip-hop telynegol, cloi, ty, waacio a voguing. Ein nod yw cynnig ychydig bach o bopeth o fewn dawnsio stryd.

Rydym hefyd yn cynrychioli’r Brifysgol mewn sioeau a chystadlaethau bob blwyddyn, gan ganiatáu digwyddiadau’r byd, gyda’n prif ffocws cystadleuol yw GO Hard or Go Home, lle gosododd y clwb y 3ydd safle yn 2019, a’r 2il yn 2018!

Pob blwyddyn, rydyn ni yn trio dawns "Wildcard". Yn y gorffennol, rydym wedi gwneud trefn gymysg o "Jazz", "Lyrical" a "Contemporary"; "Burlesque"; ac "K-pop".

Os cystadlaethau ac sioeau ddim am chi, roedd chi mwy neu croeso i ddod i’r gwersi a gymdeithasol, ble ni’n cael lle am pwb I mwynhau eich hynnau.

Mae Dawns Stryd Panthers yn ymroddedig i’r cynhwysiant a derbyniad o pawb, beth bynnag o oed, ethnigrwydd, medrau, dywilliant, cufeiriadedd rhywiol, hunaniaeth rhyw, cystylltiad crefyddol. a statws economaidd-gymdeithasol. Mae dawns i pawb.



Core Documents


Code of Conduct

Equipment List

Risk Assessment

Covid Risk Assessment


Digwyddiadau Cyfredol
Dim erthyglau newyddion cyfredol.

Cyflwynwch gwyn

Dolenni defnyddiol

Elusen Gofrestredig

Undeb Myfyrwyr Aberystwyth #1150576