Tuition fees 24/25

Dim sgoriau eto. Mewngofnodi i Raddio

On the 6th February 2024, the Welsh Government raised the UG FT tuition fee cap from £9,000 to £9,250 meaning that Welsh Universities can increase their fees in line with their terms and conditions. They also announced that increased maintenance support will be available to new students and those continuing a course which began on or after August 1, 2018. 

The Students’ Union appreciates that Universities in Wales are facing increased financial pressures and challenges and we understand the University’s decision to increase fees in line with the new Government cap. Especially in consideration of the impact of increased cost of living and that fees have remained static in Wales since 2011 when they have risen throughout the rest of the UK.  

We are mindful that student life has never been more expensive and that any increase in tuition fees will have an impact on our members. As such we are only supportive of any fee increase while there is a matching increase in available loan for any students affected. Additionally, we have asked that Aberystwyth University ringfence the additional fee income to spend on projects and activity that benefit the student experience rather than absorbing general cost increases or budget pressures.



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