Our society hosted a meteorite stand and the university Planetarium at our 2023 British science week fair with over 1000 school children!
Aber Cocktail Society has announced their 2023 'Raising and Giving' (RAG) week will be fundraising for West Wales Domestic Abuse Service (WWDAS) and Mind Aberystwyth from the 22nd to the 25th of February.
Our society worked with Aberystwyth universities Physics department to perform a public outreach event at Elan Valley during the solar eclipse. Luke and Lawrence both gave astronomy talks to the public, and we set up telescopes to watch the solar eclipse, along with viewing the eclipse through Lukes' solar binoculars.
Summary of term 1 of the 22/23 season at the Boat Club.
Students and staff recently collaborated to plant 420 saplings near the Fferm Penglais playing field.
Yn ddiweddar, mae myfyrwyr a staff wedi gweithio ar cyd y blannu 420 o goed ifainc ar bwys cae chwarae Fferm Penglais.
On October 10th, in celebration of Mental Health Awareness Day, Undeb Aber (the Students’ Union) hosted a vibrant and impactful Wellbeing & Volunteering Fair.
Ar Hydref 10fed, fe wnaeth Undeb Aber gynnal Ffair Llesiant a Gwirfoddoli i ddathlu Diwrnod Ymwybyddiaeth o Iechyd Meddwl ac fe oedd yn llwyddiant tu hwnt.
Dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, rydym wedi profi rhai llwyddiannau eithriadol gyda 66 buddugoliaeth BUCS at ei gilydd ar draws ein timau. O fewn byd chwaraeon bywiog y brifysgol, daeth sawl clwb i'r amlwg fel perfformwyr nodedig, gan adael argraff barhaol gyda’u cyflawniadau rhyfeddol.
Over the past year, we have experienced some outstanding successes with a cumulative 66 BUCS wins throughout our teams. Within the university's vibrant sports scene, several clubs emerged as standout performers, leaving a lasting impression with their remarkable achievements.
Ddydd Llun 4ydd Mawrth yn ‘y Cyfarfod Mawr’ (cyfarfod cyffredinol blynyddol y sefydliad), a welodd 150 o fyfyrwyr yn mynychu, fe bleidleisiwyd o blaid newid enw Undeb Myfyrwyr Prifysgol Aberystwyth gan fyfyrwyr Aberystwyth.
Aberystwyth students voted to change the name of Aberystwyth University Students’ Union at the “Big Meeting” (the organisation’s annual general meeting) attended by 150 students on Monday 4th of March.
Llongyfarchiadau enfawr i fyfyrwyr Cymraeg Prifysgol Aberystwyth fuodd yn cystadlu yn yr Eisteddfod Rhyng-golegol a gynhelir yn Abertawe y penwythnos hyn.
A huge congratulations to Aberystwyth University’s Welsh speaking students who competed in the Intercollege Eisteddfod held in Swansea this weekend.
Our SU Officers share their tips for managing their finances as you transition to life as a university student.
Diolch i bawb a safodd a llongyfarchiadau i bawb ohonoch a etholwyd!
Diolch i bawb a safodd a llongyfarchiadau i bawb ohonoch a etholwyd! | Thank you to everyone who stood and congratulations to all of you that were elected!
Thank you to everyone who stood and congratulations to all of you who were elected!
At AberSU we want Aber students to love student life and be ready for anything. We promise to give students the last word and we want you to work with us to make our vision a reality.
At AberSU we want Aber students to love student life and be ready for anything. We promise to give students the last word and we want you to work with us to make our vision a reality.
Dathlu llwyddiant a chyraeddiadau ein myfyrwyr a'n cymdeithasau yma ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth